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  • Best price guarantee thanks to 10 EUR discount when booking
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Karl August
Superior Double

The new way to experience Nuremberg

Where Karlstraße meets Augustinerstraße is where you’ll find the city‘s heart and soul. People who come here meet people who live here. And that‘s how we get together. In a friendly, cosmopolitan neighbourhood. The Karl August isn’t just a hotel, it’s a destination. And it isn’t just in Nuremberg – it’s 100% Nuremberg.

Superior Double
Superior Double
Superior Double
Superior Double

Our rooms

From cosy to suite

For us, hospitality means helping every single guest to enjoy the perfect stay. With our nine different room categories, from the Cosy Single to the grand Suite, we’ve got something for everyone’s needs.


From long stay to family

It’s great to be able to relax in your own space. For long stays or small groups of up to four people, our apartments and family apartment are the perfect choice. They’ve got their own kitchen and dining table – and that special home-from-home feel.

Long Stay
Long Stay
Long Stay
Long Stay

Our gastronomy

Brasserie Nitz

Brasserie Nitz

Our gastronomy

Café Pique Nique

Pique Nique

Our gastronomy

Bonbon Ice Cream Bar

Bonbon Ice Cream

Our gastronomy

Restaurant Tisane

Restaurant Tisane


From hotel guest to neighbors

The Karl August is a place people want to visit again and again. Not just our guests, but our neighbors and the residents of this wonderful city. They come in for coffee, for lunch, or for an indulgent dinner. They drop by for a chat at the bar. That’s the new way to experience Nuremberg.

The whole area at one glance:


Our neighbours

The good is so close at hand

What makes a neighborhood special? It’s the contact with the people next door; to their ideas and ideals. There are some exciting things to discover around the Karl August. It’s also obvious – in the middle of this fascinating city.

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„Mich begeistert der Gedanke einer ‚zeitgenössischen Archäologie‘ – in meiner Arbeit versuche ich, Spuren und Fragmente der Realität freizulegen und ihnen eine neue Ordnung zu geben.“ - Frederick Vidal

Aktuell sind mehrere Werke des Künstlers @frederick.vidal in unserer Lobby ausgestellt. Im persönlichen Gespräch hat er uns spannende Einblicke in seine Arbeiten gewährt - zu lesen auf unserem Neighborhood Blog (Link in Bio).


‘I am inspired by the idea of ‘contemporary archaeology’ - in my work I try to uncover traces and fragments of reality and give them a new order to uncover traces and fragments of reality and give them a new order.’ - Frederick Vidal

Several works by the artist @frederickvidal are currently on display in our lobby. In a personal conversation, he gave us exciting insights into his work - read about it on our Neighbourhood Blog (link in bio).

#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere #frederickvidal #kunst #lobby
Was Nürnberg so besonders macht, erlebt ihr im und rund um das Karl August. Spannende Geschichten, inspirierende Interviews und Neuigkeiten über unser pulsierendes Viertel und die Menschen dahinter zeigen wir auf unserem Neighborhood-Blog. Link in bio.
You can experience what makes Nuremberg so special in and around Karl August. Exciting stories, inspiring interviews and news about our vibrant neighbourhood and the people behind it can be found on our neighbourhood blog. Link in bio.
#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere
2024 war grandios, 2025 wird noch besser! Wir wünschen euch ein Jahr voller Frieden, Liebe und unvergesslicher Momente. Danke, dass ihr Teil unserer Reise seid. Cheers!


2024 was great, 2025 will be even better! We wish you a year full of peace, love and unforgettable moments. Thank you for being part of our journey. Cheers!

#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere #happynewyear
Weihnachten steht vor der Tür! Möge euer Zuhause erfüllt sein von Lachen, Zufriedenheit, Harmonie, Frieden und einer großen Portion Herzlichkeit.

Frohe Festtage wünscht die Karl August Crew!


Christmas is just around the corner! May your home be filled with laughter, contentment, harmony, peace and a large portion of warmth.

Happy holidays from the Karl August Crew!

#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere #christkindlesmarkt #weihnachten #christmas
Gutes Handwerk, Nachhaltigkeit und zukunftsorientierte Designs als Essenz. Weg vom Massenkonsum, hin zum Einzigartigen. Ein sich ständig wechselndes Sortiment von Marken, die eine Geschichte zu erzählen haben. Der @KarlAugustMarket bereichert als Pop-up Concept Store den Augustinerhof mit seinem besonderen Flair.

Im Dezember präsentiert die Manufaktur @Oberflacht zusammen mit @stop.bymarkus ihre hochwertigen Bienenwachskerzen in Kombination mit beeindruckenden Keramikkunstwerken von @Kiner_ceramics aus Basel und @TomaszNiedziolka aus Rheinsberg.

Im Januar übernimmt @FOUND.byMarkus mit einer kuratierten Auswahl zeitloser Vintage-Möbel, eleganter Lampen und weiteren handverlesenen Designstücken.

Alle aktuellen Informationen wie Öffnungszeiten auf unserer Website:


The essence of good craftsmanship, sustainability and future-orientated designs. Away from mass consumption, towards the unique. A constantly changing range of brands that have a story to tell. As a pop-up concept store, the @KarlAugustMarket enriches the Augustinerhof with its special flair.

In December, the @Oberflacht manufactory presents its high-quality beeswax candles in combination with impressive ceramic artworks by @Kiner_ceramics from Basel and @TomaszNiedziolka from Rheinsberg.

In January, @FOUND.byMarkus will take over with a curated selection of timeless vintage furniture, elegant lamps and other hand-picked design pieces.

All current information such as opening hours on our website:

#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere #karlaugustmarket
Eine Empfehlung für Ihre perfekte Spa-Behandlung, eine Dinner-Reservierung oder eine anregende Unterhaltung – unser Front-Office ist immer für euch da.


A recommendation for your perfect spa treatment, a dinner reservation or a stimulating conversation - our front office is always there for you.

#karlaugust #boutiquehotel #designhotel #neighborhoodhotel #neighborhood #augustinerhof #augustinerhof_nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #nürnbergerquatiere

In the heart of Nuremberg

The Karl August

Nuremberg is like a bright spark on the timeline of history. Historically beautiful and forever full of ideas. Dreamy, but always pioneering. Between the walls of the Old Town, life unfolds with effortless ease. Here in the very heart of Europe, the silhouette of the medieval castle towers over a future full of innovation and inspiration.

Concept stores and traditional crafts, artisan bakeries and florists, hip DJ sounds, craft beer and hearty cuisine… all the things that make Nuremberg so special are here to discover in and around the Karl August.

Neighbours become partners, hotel guests become explorers. In a place that fuses the spirit of the city with the vibes of its visitors.

The Karl August and Augustinerhof represent an urban hotel concept. Doors wide open. Local people sharing our space. Guests welcome everywhere, living the city like residents. Genuine, authentic, just where you want to be. In the heart of Nuremberg, in a neighbourhood that’s about exchanging ideas and coming together.

A top-class hotel with excellent service throughout our stay. The location within the old town of Nuremberg is perfect. We also really enjoyed the spa and breakfast.

Guest review from 22.01.2025

Extremely friendly staff, modern and stylish rooms, and everything was spotlessly clean. The location is perfect for visiting historical sites.

Guest review from 21.01.2025

Located in the heart of Nuremberg, the hotel’s architecture is truly amazing, with attention to every detail – lighting, comfortable beds, and welcoming amenities. They offer plenty of options to relax, whether in the bar, café, or restaurant.

Guest review from 13.01.2025

We had a great time at Karl August. The location couldn’t be more perfect, as it is only half a block from the Christmas Market. The reception desk staff were very accommodating, warm, and professional, always greeting us with a smile. The gym and spa were great places to refresh after a hectic day at the market. We will definitely be back.

Guest review from 02.01.2025